How to Overcome Common Constraints and Achieve Your Goals

How to overcome common constraints and achieve your goals

Achieving goals is a fundamental aspect of personal and professional growth. However, many individuals find themselves struggling to reach their objectives due to common constraints. In this article, we will explore three of these constraints and how to effectively overcome them, enabling you to propel towards your most important goals.

The Importance of MUST Goals

One significant constraint to goal achievement is the failure to set “MUST” goals. Often, people establish numerous goals without the commitment required to accomplish them. A “MUST” goal is precisely what it sounds like – a goal that you obligate yourself to achieve. The key motivation behind a “MUST” goal is the fear of experiencing the negative consequences of not attaining it.

For instance, consider a scenario where your company is barely breaking even, and your goal is to increase sales by 20% to generate profits and sustain growth. Failing to achieve this goal could mean financial losses that jeopardize the existence of your business. In this case, it qualifies as a “MUST” goal.

To overcome this constraint, it is essential to evaluate your goals and identify one that genuinely compels you to take action. If none exist, consider setting new goals that carry the weight of necessity. Utilizing a goal planning form can assist you in clarifying your objectives and devising a strategic plan to attain them.

Breaking Goals Down into Actionable Steps

Another common hindrance to goal achievement is the failure to break down objectives into manageable, actionable steps. Simply setting goals and recording them on paper is insufficient. If a goal is genuinely a “MUST” goal, it should consistently occupy your thoughts and inspire daily or at least weekly actions towards its realization.

To overcome this constraint, consider using a goal planning worksheet that systematically guides you through each aspect of goal setting. This worksheet should result in concrete action steps that keep you engaged and focused on your goals. By translating your goals into actionable items, you make them more attainable and less overwhelming.

Lack of Accountability

The third constraint we often encounter is a lack of accountability. Holding oneself accountable can be challenging, as urgent tasks and daily responsibilities tend to divert attention away from working on “MUST” goals. For example, the urgent needs of current customers or unforeseen problems can distract from proactive efforts to prospect for new business, even if it’s a “MUST” goal.

To mitigate this constraint, it is crucial to address it head-on. The goal planning form should include a section dedicated to identifying obstacles and their corresponding solutions. These solutions can then be transformed into action steps that help navigate around roadblocks.

Furthermore, consider enlisting the support of a “goal buddy” to enhance accountability. This individual could be a colleague, friend, or even a coach. In a mutual arrangement, both you and your buddy hold each other responsible for achieving your respective goals. This added layer of accountability can be a powerful motivator.

In conclusion, achieving your most important goals requires a strategic approach that addresses common constraints head-on. Start by identifying a “MUST” goal that compels you to take action, break it down into daily or weekly action steps, and enlist a trusted “goal buddy” to hold you accountable. By removing these common obstacles, you can propel yourself towards success and realize your most significant aspirations.

Download my goal planning worksheet here.

Importance of Empowerment – Lesson from the War of Ukraine

I just watched a CBC news segment on the war in Ukraine. February 24 marked one year since Russia invaded Ukraine, yet the success of the Ukraine Army in defending itself is remarkable.  

In the video, two Canadian military officers were interviewed; the second officer went into detail about Canada’s involvement seven years prior.  

Canada worked to strengthen Ukraine’s self-defense by providing training to their armed forces. Aside from gaining new skills, what this training also included was leaders learning to empower soldiers on the battlefield to make their own decisions—which proved immensely beneficial.  

In contrast, Russian soldiers needed approval from higher-ups before making decisions, which caused heavy casualties and disarray among troops.  

As we saw in the results of the war, giving frontline troops this sort of autonomy through proper training was a key factor in Ukraine’s defense.  

This same concept can be used within corporate environments: offering proper training and making sure employees feel empowered to make meaningful decisions will yield positive results.  

To ensure that front line workers understand on what to base decisions, leaders can use survey tools to identify discrepancies between management expectations and employee perceptions—this will open opportunities for more effective training which can clarify roles and responsibilities while offering guidance on decision-making authority. 

By clarifying performance expectations and ongoing training, leaders can confidently give up the power of decision making, a shift in thinking required by the Canadian Forces when they trained the Ukrainian army. 

Previously, the Ukrainian top brass’s approach was ‘top-down leadership, which they had learned from the Russians, whereas now they had to learn how to empower troops at the frontline. Giving up decision-making power does not make one weaker; instead, it builds trust and strengthens one’s role as a leader. Furthermore, it frees up time for strategic thinking.  

This is a good example of how leadership transformation through training and coaching can produce extraordinary results that surpass everyone’s expectations.   

Congratulations are due to Canada and the Ukrainian army for this successful collaboration. 

Year in Review | Review for 2022 and Plan for 2023

The end of the year has come, and it’s the time to sit down and reflect on what happened last year and plan for the upcoming year.

I reviewed the goal planning worksheet I filled up last year and realized that I have a regret that has occurred over a few years. I realized that it’s something that’s affecting me and that I need to address. So I want to set a goal to finally end having that recurring regret.

It’s important to ensure that regrets or disappointments won’t negatively impact your personal or professional life moving forward.

Free yourself of regrets and disappointment.

Also, to eliminate my anxiety and reduce the impact of a problem or circumstance in my life, I remember what winners do.

Winners do one of three things. 

They do everything they can to change the situation.

If they can’t change it, they accept it the way it is.

If they can’t accept it, they get out of the situation.

I hope this helps you to clear out things that may be blocking you from moving forward.

If you want to use my Year in Review and Goal Planning Worksheet, you can sign up to download it and my other free forms and worksheets here.

Wishing everyone will be filled with happiness, success, and accomplishment this 2023!

4 Factors of Happiness – Here’s What You Need To Know

Are You Happy Now?

In today’s world, it is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life. It can be challenging to find time for ourselves because we are always busy with our jobs, families, and friends. 

Also, due to unforeseen circumstances, we often have ups and downs that can impede our happiness and personal fulfillment. When this happens, we don’t feel good, we don’t feel motivated, and this affects our performance and relationship with others.

It’s not easy to find happiness. However, it is possible.

I created a character to remind all of us how to find happiness and personal fulfillment. His name is KALF – which stands for Know yourself, Accept yourself, Love yourself, Forgive yourself.

To learn more about KALF, watch the video that comes along with this article. 

By being aware of who you are and your circumstances, accepting, forgiving, and loving yourself, you’ll feel good about yourself. You’ll feel happiness and fulfillment that no one can give you except yourself.

True happiness lies within yourself and not outside in your environment and circumstances.

And when you feel happy from within, it will reflect on your lifestyle, performance, and relationships with other people as well.

Hope this helps!

If you want to get the KALF artwork, comment down below!