A Top Quality of Every Leader to Develop

active listening

Leaders need to develop their personal qualities and skills to be effective at leadership and coaching people.

The one skill that I think is imperative to become good at is active listening. Active listening is more than listening. You can appear to be a good listener by just staying focused on the conversation, keeping eye contact, and nodding your head.

Active listening is showing you understand and respect how the person feels. This is immensely powerful because when people feel you understand them, they are open to listening to your perspective on their situation.

Most people are taught to respond with their own opinion when someone is expressing something. But if someone comes to you to divulge or express something that they are upset or even happy about they are not looking for your opinion whether they are right or wrong. They are confiding in you and first need to know you are listening and understand what this means to them.

Active listening is a simple skill but not easy for many leaders and managers to develop. Like anything though, it takes practice. That is why it is important to understand the importance and benefits of practicing active listening.

Active listening will build trust with people as they will feel you show that you care about them and how they feel. It will develop better relationships and foster loyalty.

Watch the video to listen to an example of active listening. You can also refer to this article and video and download a practice worksheet from my website.

active listening