Balance the Functional Areas of Your Business to Scale and Free Up Time

balance the functional areas

Business is like a pie.

In what way? 

You divide a pie into several pieces; then, you can only take one at a time. 

Likewise, we can divide our business or organization by its fundamental elements. 

To help you understand and visualize this analogy, I have created a Worksheet that you can download here and follow along as you watch this video.

In this pie, we put the areas of importance of a business that is crucial for any leader to manage well. You could change the title to suit what your business is about.

But typically, we have Finances, Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Human Resources.

These are several vital areas that must work together for the business to grow and flourish.

You need to evaluate where you are in terms of your satisfaction with each of these functional areas and score yourself.

After evaluating these areas, you need to make sure they are balanced to keep the business going. You must focus on the area that requires the most attention to create that balance.

One of the keys to creating that balance is delegation. I have discussed the importance of delegation in one of my previous videos. You can check out the article and video here.

Also, in the this presentation, I have included a questionnaire that you can ask yourself and your team in order to make a plan of action for improvement. 

I have also included questions that will help you identify and create solutions for improvement. I have added a bonus worksheet in the PowerPoint presentation to help you plan your goals in more detail.

I have another video where I walk you through the Goal Planning Worksheet. You can watch the video here.

So if you want to think through the situation of your business and find solutions, make sure to download the Delegate to Scale & Free Time Worksheet here.

I hope you find this helpful.

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