How to Clone Your Top Performers

clone your top performers
clone your top performers

How would you like to have more employees like your top performers?

According to a recent article in the Les Affaires business publication and taken from a study by Denis Morin a professor specialized in compensation at the University of Montreal, top managers generate 49% more profits than managers performing at a satisfactory level.

The same is true for salespeople who according to the study, top performers generate 67% more in sales that the average performing salesperson.

The first thing you need to do is understand what drives these top performers. You can do that through conversation, but the best way is to use a psychometric assessment, especially one like the PXT Select that allows you to compare candidate to a performance model based on your top performers.

Top performers in a job share certain thinking style attributes, behavioural traits and motivational interests that are best suited to the position. At the foundation, this is what drives them to standout in their job compared to average performers.

clone your top performers

Higher performers enjoy their work more and perform better because the work suits them very well as they can use their skills and strengths in greater capacity. The work provides a greater sense of personal fulfillment and they usually get noticed and rewarded accordingly.

You can learn more about the PXT Select and request sample reports and a test run.