Using Employee Psychometric Assessments as a Training and Coaching Tool

employee psychometric assessment

Employee psychometric assessment tools such as the PXT Select are widely used to aid in the selection of new employees. But they are also a great tool to use to determine employee training needs and to coach employees.

The better you understand someone the easier it is to train, coach and lead them. But you need accurate information that is relative to the job they are doing.

That is where the PXT Select shines as a workplace employee assessment. It matches people to a performance model for the job. This clearly shows the strengths and challenges of the person relative to their position.

employee psychometric assessments

Here is a screen shot of the graph from the coaching report. It shows the performance model in green and where the employee (OC) scores for each of the behavioural traits. Wherever he scores above or below the shaded green area he is outside of the performance model established for the job.

Notice on the assertiveness scale for example how OC scores far to the right or above the performance model. This means he is much more assertive than the position requires, and this could be very challenging for him and others he interacts with. People may find him too forceful and commanding.

The coaching report also provides management tips on how to train and coach the employee to address this situation.

employee psychometric assessments

The PXT Select is a total person assessment as it also measures thinking style and occupational interests, besides nine behavioural traits.

employee psychometric assessments

Coaching Tool

To use an assessment to coach employees, I suggest have them review their individual reports and highlight strengths and underline challenges. I then meet with them individually and discuss their report and listen to their thoughts on how they perceive the feedback in the report.

I then give my input and discuss what they feel they want to work on to improve their work performance. This is usually tied to their interaction with other team members as the way we approach situations directly impacts others.

I then like to agree on one objective or goal for them to work on and schedule follow-up meetings. If training is required, I make sure to find solutions.

This approach can be done with any assessment, but using on like the PXT Select that matches the person to a performance model and that assesses the total person is ideal.

To test drive the PXT Select visit this page and fill out the form. Watch the video for a more detailed explanation.