Generate Results & Staying Focused

To generate results you need to focus on a goal.

Goal setting has always been important and a core principle
of any personal development and productivity improvement process.

But goal setting is more important than ever because it is so easy and common
to become distracted and defocused on what is truly important.

I could say that it is because of technology, the web, emails and the influx of new and interesting
information and data to all our connected devices. And that is true.

But the accessibility of information and data is both an opportunity and a curse. All this information
can make decision making more precise if the right information is available at the right time.

But too much information is so prevalent that it can cloud decision making and cause confusion.

The solution is to set goals and keep reminded of them daily. Goals need to be set based on a strategy.
That is where all that information can be a blessing. But strategy takes time. So one must take the appropriate
time to establish a strategy after doing some research and analysis and then set goals.

The challenge then becomes staying on track and blocking out all the noise and distractions that show up every day
in the form of emails, messages etc.

Goals become the barometer to know whether what you are working on is indeed the right thing.

For those who want to be better organized, feel less stress and accomplish more of what produces results,
a goal setting training or coaching would be a fantastic investment.
Here are three things that you must do when setting a goal

1. Put it in writing
2. Set a due date
3. Make it measurable

You can download a goal setting form on this page of our website under the training column to help you apply those three tips.

Stephen Goldberg