How to use Indeed to Headhunt for Employees 

How to use Indeed

Indeed, is best known as a platform to post your open jobs and attract employees to your company. But it is also a great resource to search for passive candidates who may not be aware of your job or thinking of checking out the job market to find something better.

In my country Canada, the current unemployment rate is 4.5% and there is a shortage of workers to fill the number of jobs. So just posting your own jobs on employment sites is not enough, especially for specialty skills that are in high demand.

Indeed offers a service called Find Resumes. This is a paid subscription that renews each month or year depending on the option chosen. This service takes advantage of Indeed’s vast database of candidates and their advanced search functions.

You can search by job title, skills, company, region and more. The best part is how you can use the search results to email people directly and see if you get a positive response.

Indeed makes it easy to navigate the process using templates and fields to automatically add names and job titles. It also connects the email to a project that includes your job posting so the person you email has the job posting appear in the email for easy reference. Furthermore, Indeed is constantly adding features and improving the process.

In my video I demonstrate how I use the find resumes service to search for and communicate with potential new employees.