Using a Suggestion Box to Improve Employee Performance

Suggestion boxes have been used for years to have employees participate to improve performance of the organization. But this practice could have a negative effect on employee morale and cause a decrease in performance.


Employees want to participate if given the opportunity. It’s up to leadership to create the environment and the practice of engaging people in contributing their ideas for improvement.


If people are asked to contribute their ideas for improvement, then they need feedback to know if their ideas are being considered and used. They also need feedback on how the ideas are being implemented and the progress being made.



Suggestion boxes can work if management takes it seriously and provides feedback to employees. But the better approach is to have employees meet to discuss problems and ways to improve various aspects of their work and problems that affect them.


This approach requires leaders to adjust their style of leadership to be participative and to coach employees rather than control. Take our leadership style test to see if you are more of a leader or a manager that asserts control.


When employees are asked to participate in continuous improvement they have a feeling of influence and this leads to psychological ownership and commitment to the changes and improvements they propose.


Start getting employees to participate and get rid of the suggestion box.


bad luck