Live Your Aligned Purpose and Step Into Leadership with Kavita Melwani

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “empath”?

Empaths can sense emotions as if they were part of other people’s lives. When someone else is suffering or happy, you can also feel their pain and happiness.

I am interviewing Kavita Melwani, a Career and Leadership Coach for the Empath, an intuitive soul, an HSP, and a first-generation American serial entrepreneur who has owned and operated various businesses since 2003.

Kavita works with women of color who are second-generation immigrants that are feeling a lot of burden and responsibility to their culture of origin and who are struggling to figure out where they fit.

Kavita helps people to be comfortable in their own skin and to pursue their dreams with a clear vision of what they truly want. She offers coaching, hypnosis, and speaking opportunities to inspire and support as many people as possible.

Learn more about Kavita’s mission, vision, and services in this interview. 

Check out the video here:

You can also visit Kavita’s website:

Check out Kavita’s free gift:

Check out her podcast: