Proven 5-Step Golden Glove Persuasion Recipe

persuasion recipe

Terry Dean started his online business from scratch in 1996. He went from delivering pizzas to designing an Internet Lifestyle business which gave him both the freedom and the money to enjoy life. Within a few years he was also consulting with home-based businesses, local companies, and million dollar corporations. His original company and websites were sold in 2004.

He founded MyMarketingCoach, LLC. in 2006 as a solution for entrepreneurs who are overworked, overstressed, and not earning the kind of income they want in their business. If any of that describes you, then you’ve come to the right place.

Terry’s business was founded on three basic truths:

– You can have a profitable business.

– You can have free time to spend with your family.

– You can enjoy your business and your life.

These three facts were put together to develop his slogan, “Earn More. Work Less. Enjoy Life!”

Way too many business owners accept long hours and stressful work as the only way to make it. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can have a great income and have a full life as well. Being a workaholic isn’t required…and it’s not even healthy.

Download Terry’s Free Cheat Sheet: Proven 5-step formula clarifies your message, creates high-converting website, and transforms prospects into loyal buyers. Business Coach and Marketing Consultant Terry Dean – Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life!