Solving Local and Global Problems are Good for Business

solving local and global problems

Many business start-ups today are social businesses in that they solve key social problems like poverty and environmental issues, while also making a profit. In the past this was the domain of strictly non-profit organizations.

However, solving social and environmental problems should be something every business today should be doing. It is especially important to solve local community problems because without a healthy community, local businesses cannot survive and thrive.

Businesses need skilled people to staff their organizations and having a vibrant community will attract people to live and work there.

Good education that responds to the needs of local businesses is also key to ensuring that the right talent will be available to meet future demands.

Setting at least one social goal and backing it with top management support will get employees more engaged with the company and provide opportunity for employees to work on projects that they feel are giving back to their community.

There is an old expression, what goes around comes around. Being mindful of contributing to fixing problems we all face both locally and globally will pay itself back in the long run.