The Key to Staying Engaged and Motivated at Work

The key to staying engaged and motivated with you work is simple. Do what you love and are good at and keep the work challenging and interesting.

As human beings we all share one thing in common. The need and desire to be constantly satisfied and fulfilled. Whenever we become dissatisfied with what is going on, we seek something else to fill that need.

In life that can translate into self-destructive behaviour and addictions when people become driven to fill a void or emptiness in themselves. True satisfaction must be achieved through a balance between inner fulfillment and outer satisfaction.

Outer satisfaction can be in great part achieved through careers that are matched with skills and job interests. The responsibility for attaining this fall both on the employee and the leader and both must be achieved the self-knowledge and understanding others.

Many people study for careers and achieve degrees in areas that do not fully suit them. It is very common for young people to follow an educational path because the career prospects are bright. But numerous soon discover that the reality is not what they find fulfilling and some but not all are able to shift into different vocations that better suit them.

Leaders and managers must hire people that not only have the skills for the job but also the personality traits and job interests that are a good match. This can be very challenging and requires prudence, technique and tools.

When the right person is in the job the key is to give them challenging work that keeps them interested and growing. This allows the leader to delegate new responsibilities so they can free themselves to work on new and bigger projects.

So, the recipe is simple

  1. Hire the right person for the job
  2. Provide a good work environment
  3. Give the right tools and support to do the job
  4. Make sure they find the work interesting and challenging