Training Employees is Essential for Good Performance Especially in a Crisis Situation

training employees

As I am writing this the world is experiencing an unprecedented crisis with the coronavirus spreading fear, illness and economic devastation throughout the world. Everyone is scrambling to deal with the situation the best way they can.

Someone sent me a video from the World Health Organization showing how to wash your hands. If they would have sent me this before the virus struck, I would not pay any attention. But with a threat to health getting worse everyday I clicked the play button and was astonished at how little I knew about how to wash hands properly.

This made me think about how important training is. Of course, in a crisis you don’t always have time for training, so that should come before. Think of firefighters. They don’t have time for training when the fire starts, so training must happen when they are waiting for a fire to erupt.

But training must be done well for it to be effective in any situation. The seven steps to effective training is a way to ensure that training will produce the desired outcome. I have written an article and made a video on the seven steps so check that out. 

I even created a planning worksheet based on the seven steps that can be downloaded from my website or from Eloquens.Watch the video and start washing your hands properly for better health and hygiene for everyone.