Victor Has a Dream That He Wants to Turn into a Goal: Participate in this Case Study!

goal setting
goal setting

Victor is a young man living in Uganda and has a dream to open a hardware store in his home city in Uganda.

He contacted me after watching my video about taking a small step to achieve a key goal and I agreed to provide some coaching. In return he consented for me to share his story and I thought this would be a good case study in goal setting and goal achievement.

Victor studied electrical engineering and earned a technician diploma. He had a good job but was laid off due to COVID-19. He now has work that pays little and he does not have enough money to have three meals a day.

Furthermore, his family expects him to contribute financially so his younger siblings can attend school and pursue higher education. He feels he is unable to fulfill his obligation to his family.

I asked him to fill out a goal planning worksheet and he wrote down a goal to open a hardware store by December 2021. After reviewing his goal, I explained that this is more like a dream as he does not have the resources to have that as a realistic goal.

I advised him to set another goal to find a way to earn more money now and start saving. I also suggested that I share his goal with my audience and ask for their recommendations. Here is the link to his goal planning worksheet. Please look and leave a comment on this blog post or on the YouTube video. What would you recommend victor do to move towards his dream of opening his own hardware store?