What Rocks your World will make you Happy and Successful

big rocksWhat are the big rocks in your life? When you identify those big rocks you become more efficient and focused with your time. We all want to be more focused and manage our time better. But often we feel out of control with the amount of information, requests and tasks we need to process. Putting it all in perspective of what’s important is the key. Here is how to do it. Time in a dayImagine this container represents the time you have in a day. Time is something we are all bound to no matter who we are. There are only 24 hours in a day.  You can multi-task and use productivity tools to get more done but you are still limited by time. So it comes down to focus. But what do you focus on first?

Imagine these big rocks are your goals and the things big rocks1you aspire to achieve and become. The smaller rocks are important things you need to get done every day to meet your commitments. The pebbles represent urgencies and the sand are mostly unimportant things and time wasters.

smaller rocksIf you put all the smaller stuff and sand in your container first there will be no time left for your big rocks. But if you put your big rocks in first, the smaller rocks, pebbles and even sand will find a way to fit in. What does not fit in should be discarded anyways. What are your big rocks? Have you taken the time to figure that out? The big rocks equate to the big goals in your life. You should not have too many at any given time or there won’t be room in the container of time. Start with one or two and get good at blocking time in your daily agenda to work towards them. You’ll still find a way to get the smaller stuff done. If you need help with choosing your big rocks consult my other videos on goal setting.

Things to Include & Avoid When Setting Goals

How to Achieve Success in Life & Business

How to set and achieve any goal using a goal planning worksheet

Go ahead and rock your life and please share this video and subscribe. Thanks for listening. Stephen Goldberg