What we can Learn from The Management Style of Elon Musk

management style

We can learn a lot from the management style of Elon Musk. Although he can be considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet, his management style has cost him and his company dearly according to this article in Wired magazine titled DR. ELON & MR. MUSK: LIFE INSIDE TESLA’S PRODUCTION HELL.

As I read the article I could not help to think how his management style is driven by his human type. In my video I explain Elon Musk’s type based on what I learned from reading the article and my knowledge of types from the work of Fritz Glaus who trained me on his approach.

Fritz wrote a fable CrazYZoo, Know Thyself Made Easy, that teaches the reader about types of people and has them discover their own type and combined type as they go through the book.

Fritz also created a training program on leadership and another on team development that incorporates the types of people approach.

Leaders, managers and team members who understand themselves and others better using the types of people approach can be much more effective and build better relationship with others. I encourage you to check out the article on Elon Musk and the book CrazYZoo.