Year in review goal setting guided training video

The year in review goal setting guided training video provides a fast yet efficient method to set goals for the coming year or time period. You can use this method
to coincide with New Year’s resolutions and at any time during the year. The video walks you through every step of the process with some tips and encouragement to
help you complete the process.

This takes New Year’s resolutions to the next level as it gets you to think back and reflect on what occurred in your life over the last year. Your review of your past
provides an understanding of what happened and why and enables you to be more strategic in setting your plans and goals the the coming year or time frame.

You can download either the PowerPoint or PDF documents that you use to write down your thoughts and goals. Links to these are also available in the video player as well. I suggest you download one of these to have handy while you watch the video so you can fill it in as you go.
The PowerPoint document is better if you want to fill it in directly on your computer and the PDF is better for printing and filling in by hand.

Download the PowerPoint here

Download the PDF here

Congratulations on your decision to set your goals in writing and I wish you the best of success.

Stephen Goldberg