You Have 3 Brains – Here’s What You Need To Know

We all have three brains, not just one. This has been known in neuroscience for some time, but most people are not aware. 

They are the Gut Brain, Heart Brain, and the Mind Brain. We all possess all three, but the difference is which one is most 0dominant in each of us.

Gut-centred people are physical types who see the world and relationships through their instincts first. Heart-centred people are emotional types and perceive the world and their relationships through their emotions. Mind-centered people are intellectual types and see the world and relationships through their intellect and logical brain.

We call these three brains the centers of intelligence and each center has two types of people associated with them. This 3fears. 

The best way to learn your type is through an exercise or workshop, rather than just reading about it or following a video explanation. 

That is why I am launching free introductory workshops to teach this approach and how it impacts your life and work. 

Knowing and understanding yourself better is beneficial in making the best choices for partners and work and experiencing great success in life. 

If this interests you, sign up for this workshop and receive news of the next upcoming date.

Looking forward to having you join me in learning about your type.