Monthly Archives: December 2017

employee motivator checklist

Employee Motivator checklist and Worksheet Guide

Employees must be motivated by the work to perform well and above expectations. Having the right person for the job that matches their thinking style, behavioural traits and occupational interests is the foundation.


Having the right person in the job is not enough. There are things that leaders and managers can do to enhance employee motivation and keep them engaged.


Each employee may have different things that motivate them, and this can change over time. So, it is important to have ongoing conversations with each employee to understand their key job motivators and how to meet their needs.



FastCompany published an article that referred to a study by BNET answering the question, “What motivates you at work?”


I created a checklist/worksheet to use to help determine the motivation factors of your employees. You can download the form and others from my documents section of my website. Instruction for using the worksheet are included.


I suggest completing the form on your own for each employee and having them also complete it. Then meet to compare and discuss. From that you can set action plans for each employee.


how to achieve consensus

How to Achieve Consensus for Decision Making in a Team

Guidelines for Making Decisions by Consensus

It is crucial that team members learn how to achieve consensus to make decisions as a team. As teams evolve the leader can involve the team in decisions that all members will support and be accountable for. The fully evolved team at times can take on managerial decisions with the approval of the manager.


In my last article and video on stage II of team development I covered the skills that team members need to learn to move to stage III. Consensus building is one of these essential skills.

What to Avoid in Arriving at Consensus

  • Avoid arguing blindly for your own opinion
  • Avoid changing your mind just to comply or to avoid conflict
  • Avoid going to a majority vote or tactics like flipping a coin

What to Seek in Arriving at Consensus

  • Encourage differences of opinion. Diverse viewpoint enhances the quality of the final decision,
  • Look for the most acceptable alternative for all members
  • Listen carefully to one another
  • Ensure the participation of all team members in voicing their viewpoint

how to achieve consensusWhen facilitating our leadership and team training workshops, I use non-verbal communication to see if the teams have achieved consensus. I ask for thumbs up for those in agreement, thumbs down for those against and hand wavering for those in between (see video).


Non-verbal communication is a great way to know if you have achieved consensus. If a member has thumbs down, then there is no consensus. You must continue your discussion until you get at least a mix of thumbs up or in between. This means you might need to find another alternative or modify the decision.



When a decision is reached through following these guidelines to consensus, you have a much greater chance that all actions needed to be taken to support the decision will be made.


Decision-making through consensus is a foundation for teamwork and will contribute to team members feeling empowered and motivated in their job.


training and development

The Manager as Trainer for Employees

An important need of employees is to grow and develop so they stay current, flexible and motivated. Training and development also greatly contributes to organization development and improvement.


Managers and supervisors have a responsibility to train employees or provide the training they need. Training should be aligned with the needs of the department and organization.


Managers and supervisors need training on how to train employees. This is often called train the trainer. This will make training employees much easier and assure that the resources invested in training will be fruitful.