Yearly Archives: 2023

Learn How To Convert Calls to Sales with Wendy Weiss

Cold calling for salespeople in the digital age.

Cold calling is a common strategy to drive sales in a business. It is when you contact a prospective client with whom you have had no previous interaction. 

It might sound scary to some, but it is still an essential component of professional selling. The truth is, it takes skill and work to convert your calls into sales. 

In today’s interview, Wendy Weiss, the Queen of Cold Calling, will discuss how you can improve your cold-calling efforts. 

This interview will teach you how to improve your messaging and convert your calls into sales. 

Learn more about Wendy Weiss here:

Make The Best Use Of Your Potential

Do you make the best use of your potential? 

In my recent videos, I have discussed Types of People and knowing yourself, which is the key to unlocking your full potential. 

I recently came across two examples of people. One rose to great heights, and the other became a criminal, and I’m going to talk about them in regard to the Types of People approach. 

A movie titled Mully features a man from Kenya named Charles Mully.  

As I watched the film about Mully, I thought of him, and which type he could be. And I’m guessing he was probably an active, positive type. We call this the Planner type and the dominant center of intelligence is the Intellectual. 

Mully grew up in poverty; his father was an alcoholic, he would beat his mother, and his family abandoned him as a child. He was forced to find his own way in the world, but rather than adapt to a life of poverty,  he rose to become very successful. He became one of the wealthiest businesspeople in Kenya.  

Searching for purpose in his life and remembering his past,  he made it his mission to help orphaned children.  He began rescuing them from the street and offered them a way to rehabilitate. 

For any obstacle that was put in front of him, he found a solution.  He seemed to use his three intelligences in a balanced way, and nothing could stop him, even with limited resources. 

Another character is Bernie Madoff. He was a very bright man and co-founded the NASDAQ Stock Exchange.  

He introduced advanced computing into the stock exchange and founded a very successful trading company.  

However, he also founded an investment advisory company that took people’s money and falsified returns. The money was never invested in stocks but was used to pay back other investors and finance Madoff’s extravagant lifestyle. 

Bernie Madoff had even more potential to do good than Mully as he was never abandoned and went to university. But he became quite unbalanced and succumbed to his greed and need to be accepted and admired by the wealthy. 

I’m not quite sure what type Madoff belonged to but I would guess the Inspirater type. This positive but passive type is good with people and businesses but can suffer from their vanity and cause great unbalance if not worked on. 

I thought this was a great example of two people with extremely different upbringings could use their qualities in such different ways, one to do good and the other to self-destruct. 

You can learn more about the Types of People approach to self-knowledge and how to become better balanced through my online workshop or soon-to-come elearning. Add yourself to the list to get news of these training programs that will be provided free of charge.  

There is a narrative film about Charles Mully on Netflix and a documentary series on Bernie Madoff also on Netflix that I highly recommend. 

4 Factors That Affect Your Leadership Style

Did you know that your type of person affects your leadership style? 

When I say, type of person, it means it is the core of who you are. It drives certain attributes and challenges as well. 

In the FREE workshop that I will be launching, you will be able to identify your type, and you will learn how to utilize your type to become a great leader. 

But for today’s video, I want to focus on a certain component of this which really drives leadership style and teamwork- the component of passive or active and negative or positive. 

The passive type is more content with the way things are and thinks that there is no need for change if things are going well. Active types, however, always see the need to change and improve things. 

Negative types see the glass as half empty or tend to be more pessimist. They see what is not going right whether it is a physical process or ideas. This would also affect how they approach others about the change they want to make, and a positive passive type may see their approach as aggressive or threatening.  

Positive types tend to see the glass half full and are optimists. They seek change and improvements but would approach others in a more diplomatic and positive way. Thus, people would tend to perceive them as less aggressive and more diplomatic.  

Learning the Types of People approach is a powerful way to know yourself better and to understand others. It provides in-depth knowledge of the core motivation, qualities, and fears of people.  

The best way to learn this is through an interactive workshop with a group of people. You can add yourself to the list to receive news of upcoming workshops on Types of People, Ways to Success.

What type of person are you? Sign up to get news of the next workshop. 

Sign up here:  

How To Break Free From Your Fears

Fear is one of those things that can seem like it’s holding you back—the only problem is, you might not even know it’s there. 

Identifying your fear related to your type can be a powerful way to deal with it and move toward your goals. It can also help you understand what’s holding you back in the first place. 

So, what are some of these fears? 

Some types of people are afraid of ineffectiveness for example. While it has some positive effects, such as reaching the goal or accomplishing the task immediately, if you are afraid of ineffectiveness, you might tend to be pushy, especially if you are a manager. You might be too authoritarian to your direct reports because you want to get things done immediately or in your way. Others might think that you are too bossy or too dominating. 

You can’t remove your fear related to your type. It’s inborn in all of us. But you can control it! 

Fear is a powerful thing, but it doesn’t have to hold us back from acting or achieving our goals!

That’s why I am launching my FREE Workshops on Types of People that will help you identify your motivation, your fear, and how you can work on your fears, utilizing them to become more effective. 

What Type Of Person Are You? Sign up for the workshop and join me on the path to greater self-knowledge. 

Sign up now!