Annual Performance Review Best Practices

annual performance reviewMany companies such as Deloite and Microsoft have moved away from conducting an annual performance review or appraisal. In their evolution as an organization they realize that this is not the best practice to boost employee productivity and morale.

However, many companies still force their managers and employees to do an annual performance review. If you are in the situation, then you have no choice and must go through with it.


Conducting Regular Reviews versus an Annual Performance Review

Many managers and employees dread this meeting and for good reason. If you have not sat down during the preceding months to discuss the performance appraisal criteria, then there is cause for conflict and disagreement.

My recommendation is to take on a coaching style of leadership or management and meet regularly with employees annual performance reviewto discuss their performance. This is effective to:

  • Build a relationship based on trust
  • Improve mutual understanding
  • Clarify expectations
  • Identify and remove roadblocks to performance
  • Give feedback about performance, both positive and negative
  • Increase employee motivation and engagement
  • Set goals for improvement
  • Identify training and development needs

If you have a monthly or minimum quarterly performance review and discussion with employees, the annual review will be easy. You will both be on the same page. If you are forced to use a rating scale with pre-established performance criteria, you want to include that in the regular review meeting.

A coach is interested in developing the staff member and this takes building a trusting relationship and meeting one-on-one regularly.

Employee Performance Evaluation Criteria

It’s important to establish employee performance criteria that is relative o the job and the expected performance results. Some companies use pre-established criteria that is quite general. This is not very effective in conducting a meaningful performance evaluation and discussion.

Rather than use suggested employee performance criteria from an article or software I suggest using a job description. My free job description template provides a section to establish employee performance standards. By meeting the employee regularly, you can update these standards based on the current situation.

Mutual Performance Evaluation

You might also want to have the employee evaluate you as the manager. Some annual review systems incorporate such an approach. You can do this by asking the employee to express their satisfaction with the level of support you are providing. I’ll get more into this in future articles and videos so subscribe now to get notified.


To avoid misunderstanding, disagreements and possible conflicts meet regularly with employees to discuss and review their performance. Take on a coaching style of leadership and take interest in developing the employee. Show you care and build a trusting relationship. An employee performance review should be a positive experience for all and another opportunity to contribute to ongoing employee development.

Building Positive Self-Image of Employees

Building Positive Self Image of Employees for Improved Performance

good self-imagePeople who have a good self-image are more confident in themselves and their ability to grow, learn new things and achieve goals.

Although we cannot change someone’s self-image we can have an influence on their self-perception. Leaders who understand this principle can have a positive and persuasive impact on employees that can lead to greater employee performance and engagement.


What leaders can do to build positive self-image of employees

  1. Set development and performance goals with employees that challenge them but are not too overreaching. Make sure to provide proper support for them to achieve these goals.
  2. Give positive feedback. This is a habit that the leader needs to develop, so it begins with being mindful of this and taking action. Look for what people are doing well towards achieving their goals or solving problems on their own and then recognize their effort with positive feedback.
  3. When giving positive feedback and recognition make sure to specify the personal attribute that the person demonstrated or used to achieve the goal or task. This reinforces the person’s awareness of this strength and is much more powerful than just saying good job. “You have a great eye for design and creative thinking and it really shows in this presentation” is an example rather than saying “nice presentation”.
  4. Provide training on personal development that has people learn about how their thoughts and emotions affect their self-image and the impact it has on their work and life. The more people learn about themselves and how to recognize and dispel untrue negative personal beliefs, the more they are able to develop a better self-image.
  5. Treat people with respect and express appreciation for the effort they are making in their work and for self-development. When people know their leader cares they feel better about themselves and the relationship.

These tips and practices are not rocket science and can be implemented right away, except for point four about training, which takes some research and planning. The only thing holding you back from applying these steps or being better at it is awareness and habit. Recognize the importance of doing these things and understand that it is an essential part of the role of a leader. Make it happen!


Stephen Goldberg

You Inc., how to use your full potential

You Inc.The key to happiness and success lies within you. Why work harder to get what you want when you can work smarter and achieve the same or more in less time? Imagine if you and your employees were all working smarter and thus producing more in a day. How would that affect your business and make your work more enjoyable?

Rather than looking at yourself as a boss or manager and your employees as staff, think of yourself as a company, You Inc. Just replace You with your first name, so for me it would be Stephen Inc. In this sense, you are a supplier to your company. What do you supply?


Every company has assets. We use our assets to produce results and those results create benefits. Results are sales, profits, customer satisfaction, innovation etc. and the benefits are how you enjoy the generated results. Benefits could be the home you live in, the vacations you take, the hobbies you enjoy etc.

Talents and Abilities

Our assets are made up of talents and abilities that we use every day to produce the results Talents and Abilitiesand gain the benefits we enjoy. Here is an inventory of our talents and abilities that we all use in our work to produce results.

  • Know-how and skills
  • Time
  • Concentration
  • Decisions-making
  • Energy

Go through the above list and evaluate your level of satisfaction for each of the talents and abilities on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest level. How satisfied are you with your knowledge requirement for the job and the skills you have to perform the job? How well do you manage the time available to get things done? How is your ability to concentrate on the task at hand and control distractions? How well do you make decisions considering both timeliness and striking a balance between intuitiveness and being rational? Finally how much energy drive and passion do you bring to your work?

After you have scored yourself for each of the talents and abilities, pick one that would have the most impact if you improved in this area.

Now imagine if I had a magic wand that I could wave and instantly give you your full capacity in that talent and ability. Close your eyes, relax and think about how things would be different. What do you see, how do you feel? Write your answers down. How would this translate into results? How would it improve your benefits?

Full Potential

Full PotentialScience tells us that the average person uses only 5 to 9% of their total potential. Let’s say your above-average and you use 15 to 20% of your total potential. This still leaves 80 to 85% of untapped potential.

Set a Goal

What goal can you set for yourself to develop the talent and ability that you identified in this exercise? How could you start tapping into your untapped potential? Start by taking a first step. Focus on one talent and ability at a time.

Continuous Growth

The key message here is to keep growing and develop the mindset for continuous improvement. If you learn to apply this on yourself it will extend to everything you do. If you can teach this to your employees not only will they be grateful to you but they will perform better and stay loyal.

Stephen Goldberg


How to get employees to be more creative and drive continuous improvement

creative employeeContinuous improvement and creativity go hand-in-hand. Entrepreneurs and business owners are typically creative people in the business sense and usually craft their businesses from an idea. It often takes a lot of trial and error to develop a winning formula for your business. Even though there are best practices that can be followed from a business strategy and management perspective, each business has its own personality and thus there is really no cookie-cutter approach.

As businesses grow and take on more employees. The business owner can no longer be involved in every aspect in detail of the business. He or she must rely on forward thinking employees who care enough about the business to want to make improvements.

types of people facesThere are three key components that affect the ability of employees to be creative, and continuously improve how they do things.

The first component is their human type. Certain types of people enjoy change and other types prefer keeping things as they are.

The second component is the level of self esteem and self self-esteemconfidence of the person. The higher these elements are in the employee, the easier it is for them to take risks and try new things.

The third component is the culture of the company, based on the leadership style of the business owner and top management. It is not enough to expect people to come forth with suggestions for improvements. The business leader must create a platform for people to engage in continuous improvement discussions so they can draft well thought out proposals to management.

facilitation-1190In fact, the essence of teamwork is not only to have the right synergy among team members in order to execute well on a project. Equally important is for team members to be able to meet together and find opportunities for improvement that will keep the organization more nimble and effective.

Even the types of people who don’t like change, often have good ideas for how to improve things. They’re usually reliable dependent workers who you know will perform their tasks in a consistent fashion.

To have all employees contribute to continuous improvement business leaders simply need to organize regular problem-solving or continuous improvement meetings that uses a structured approach that is efficient and gets everyone to participate.

Business leaders can also raise people’s self-esteem and self-confidence by coaching them to do more challenging work and then giving regular positive feedback.positive feedback

The more that the business leader delegates responsibilities and decision making. The more people will fill engaged and committed to the business and will want to ensure the company success.

If management is going to encourage employees to contribute their ideas for continuous improvement management must act on these ideas or let people know why they can’t. Even with all the new applications for sharing information amongst employees and management, is still in some ways, just like the old suggestion box. People suggestion boxdo not see their ideas taken seriously. They will just develop a poor attitude towards management and the attempt to have them participate in idea generation.

In today’s global economy is imperative that every organization utilizes all its resources to continuously improve and find new ways to do things. If your competition is doing it. And you’re not. You are to big disadvantage and risk becoming insignificant to your clients.

Everyone can improve something every day that does not require approval from management. It could be just how customers being served to learning a shortcut on a computer program that will save time. We just need to have the mindset to want to improve and look for opportunities that are all around us.

Stephen Goldberg