Posts By: Stephen Goldberg

Effective Employee Evaluations- Five Tips for a Productive Session

Employee evaluations are a pivotal aspect of workplace management, offering insights into team performance and guiding employee development. As we approach the annual review period, it’s crucial to refine our approach to these evaluations.

In this article and video, I share five actionable tips to transform your employee evaluation sessions into effective and productive experiences.

1. Preparation is Key

The cornerstone of any successful employee evaluation is preparation. Whether you’re part of a startup without a formal process or a seasoned manager, laying the groundwork is essential. Establish clear criteria for evaluation. If you’re unsure where to start, consider using available resources like my free template, which outlines five core competencies, offering an easy-to-use framework for your sessions.

2. Set Clear Expectations with Employees

Transparency and communication are vital. Before the evaluation, make sure your team members understand what to expect. If you’re using specific criteria or my template, share this with your employees in advance. This approach not only minimizes anxiety but also fosters a more open and constructive environment during the review process.

3. Engage Employees in Self-Evaluation

Begin your evaluation sessions by inviting employees to assess their own performance. This technique encourages self-reflection and provides valuable insights into how each team member perceives their contributions and areas for growth. Address any discrepancies between their self-assessment and your evaluation, using these as starting points for meaningful dialogue.

4. Provide Balanced Feedback and Reach Consensus

An effective evaluation balances positive reinforcement with constructive criticism. Discuss both strengths and areas for improvement, aiming to reach a consensus on each aspect of the evaluation. This mutual understanding is crucial for ensuring that employees feel valued and fairly assessed, fostering a culture of trust and continuous improvement.

5. Focus on Improvement and Support

Identify key development areas and set achievable goals. Discuss what support the employee needs from you as a manager to reach these objectives. This collaborative approach not only empowers employees but also strengthens the manager-employee relationship, vital for long-term engagement and success.

Bonus Tip: Follow-up is Crucial

Don’t let the conversation end with the evaluation meeting. Schedule follow-up sessions to monitor progress on improvement plans. Regular check-ins reinforce the importance of continuous development and show your commitment to supporting your team’s growth.


Effective employee evaluations are more than a yearly requirement; they are opportunities for growth, alignment, and strengthened relationships within your team. By preparing thoroughly, setting clear expectations, engaging in open dialogue, providing balanced feedback, focusing on improvement, and following up, you can transform these sessions into invaluable experiences.

Exploring Depth and Purpose with Genevieve Piturro – The Story Behind Purpose, Passion, and Pajamas

In a recent interview with Genevieve Piturro, she shared insights into the transformative power of purpose and passion, drawing from her own remarkable journey. Genevieve, the founder of Pajama Program, emphasized the importance of aligning personal and professional purpose, inspiring leaders to connect with their teams on a deeper level.

Highlights from the Interview:

  1. Purpose is Shared: Genevieve stressed the significance of sharing purpose. A purpose confined to personal aspirations doesn’t resonate; it needs to be communicated and embraced by the entire team. Leaders, she says, must understand the impact of sharing purpose on organizational dynamics and the bottom line.
  2. Human Connection Matters: The key to fostering purpose lies in human connection. Genevieve advocates for leaders to invite team members to share what makes them light up. Opening a dialogue about personal passions creates a common thread that binds the team, fostering support, care, and inspiration.
  3. From Leader to Legacy: True leaders go beyond being bosses; they become catalysts for change. Genevieve shared a touching story of a leader who, through collaboration with Pajama Program, not only made a difference but also left a lasting legacy within the company. This illustrates the transformative impact of purpose-driven leadership.
  4. The 90-Minute Exercise: Genevieve offers a practical tool for individuals seeking their purpose. The 90-minute exercise, available on her website, encourages deep introspection. It’s a structured way for individuals to connect with their passions, a crucial step toward leading a more fulfilling life.

Watch the full video interview for a more in-depth exploration of Genevieve’s insights and experiences. The conversation delves into the practical aspects of integrating purpose into both personal and professional spheres.

Conclusion: Genevieve Piturro’s journey from a successful corporate career to founding the Pajama Program serves as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of purpose and passion.

Leaders and individuals alike can draw inspiration from her story, learning the importance of connection, communication, and aligning personal values with professional endeavors.

Learn more about Genevieve here:

Variety in Training: A Dual Perspective on Physical Fitness and Employee Training

As I step into the gym for another session with my trainer, Jesse, it strikes me how the principles of our workout regimen mirror the core tenets of effective employee training. In this article, we’ll explore the vital concept of incorporating variety into training, drawing parallels between physical fitness and nurturing a skilled and motivated workforce.

Variety in Training

Jesse, my trainer, strongly emphasizes the value of introducing variety into our workouts, and his three key points extend beyond the gym, holding significant importance for employee development. Let’s delve into the world of variety in training:

  1. Mental Stimulation: Jesse’s first point hits home—the need to keep workouts engaging. This principle directly translates to employee training, where monotony can lead to disinterest and reduced engagement. A diverse training approach keeps employees mentally stimulated and eager to learn.
  2. Functional Training: Jesse’s approach to adapting workouts to real-life scenarios mirrors the importance of providing employees with skills directly applicable to their roles. Just as life presents unexpected challenges, versatile training equips employees to handle various work-related situations effectively.
  3. Muscle Stimulation: Jesse’s third point emphasizes the importance of diverse exercises to stimulate various muscle groups. Similarly, in employee training, a well-rounded approach ensures that employees develop a wide range of skills, much like targeting different muscle groups in a workout.

Ongoing Training

Jesse underscores the importance of consistent training to maintain physical fitness. This principle aligns perfectly with the need for ongoing employee training. Here’s why continuous learning is imperative:

  1. Skill Retention: Just as with physical fitness, skills can deteriorate when not consistently practiced. Ongoing training ensures that employees retain and continuously improve their competencies.
  2. Preventing Regression: When employees cease to learn, they may revert to old habits or become disengaged. Regular training is the antidote, preventing regression and ensuring a consistently productive and motivated workforce.
  3. Employee Well-being: Continuous development contributes to employees’ overall well-being, enhancing both their mental and professional health. Content and skilled employees are invaluable assets to any organization.
  4. Employee Loyalty: Offering ongoing training signifies your commitment to your employees’ growth. This fosters a sense of value and loyalty toward your organization, leading to increased retention rates.


Variety in training isn’t confined to the gym; it’s equally crucial in employee development. By embracing diverse training methods and upholding ongoing training programs, employers can cultivate a workforce that is skilled, highly motivated, and loyal. So, heed Jesse’s wisdom and invest in your employees’ growth—a strategy that pays dividends for your team and your organization.

From Career Crisis to Career Resilience with Emily Kapit

The Pivot from Journalism to Career Mastery

Emily Kapit’s journey from the high-energy world of journalism to the nuanced realm of career advising is nothing short of inspiring. She leveraged her educational psychology expertise to establish Refresh Your Step, a sanctuary for professionals seeking guidance and clarity in their careers.

A Writer’s Touch in the Corporate World

As the youngest triple-certified master resume writer, Emily has been recognized for her prowess in creating compelling career documents. Her nomination for the Toast to the Resume Industry award speaks volumes about her dedication to excellence in professional storytelling.

Dive into the Full Story

There’s more to Emily’s strategies and success stories than can be captured in a brief read. We encourage viewers to watch the full interview to absorb the breadth of her expertise and the depth of her career transformation techniques.

Navigating the Job Market of Today

In our ever-evolving work landscape, Emily discusses the importance of adaptability and preparation. The interview will unpack how Emily guides her clients through the complexities of remote work and the return to office settings.

A Personal Invitation to Career Transformation

Join us for an enriching dialogue that’s more than mere advice—it’s a masterclass in career resilience. Discover why Emily’s clients are singing praises and learn how you, too, can revitalize your professional journey.

Connect and Transform

Ready for more than just a conversation? Visit to watch the full interview and connect with Emily. Take the step towards reshaping your career narrative and stepping into a future brimming with potential.