Leadership in a Changing World Addressing Global Challenges and Shaping the Future

Leadership holds the key to addressing global challenges and shaping a better future. Corinne Murray, an experienced leader in workplace strategy and design, shares valuable insights on how leaders can navigate the changing landscape.

In today’s world, traditional hierarchies are giving way to a new style of leadership. Corinne Murray exemplifies this shift by being a super connector and facilitator, understanding how different aspects of a business work together and fostering collaboration. 

Kindness and a positive leadership mindset are crucial in this evolving environment. By cultivating trust and accountability, leaders empower their teams and create a culture of co-creation. Corinne Murray embodies these qualities, promoting diverse ideas and driving innovation. 

To learn more about the transformative power of leadership, we invite you to watch the insightful interview with Corinne Murray. Discover how her expertise in workplace strategy can shape the future of organizations and inspire positive change. 

Join us as we explore the possibilities that arise when leaders embrace change and address global challenges. Watch the interview to gain valuable insights and embark on a journey of leadership and growth. 

Manager vs. Coach: Understanding the Difference and Finding the Right Balance

In the workplace, the roles of a manager and a coach are distinct yet intertwined. Understanding the difference between the two and striking a balance between them is crucial for effective leadership. Let’s explore the contrasting aspects of being a manager and a coach and how finding the right equilibrium can lead to enhanced employee performance and development. 

Managers wear multiple hats, focusing on planning, organizing, communicating, measuring, and goal setting. They are responsible for maintaining control, supervising, and ensuring that things run smoothly to achieve productivity and meet targets. Managers play a vital role in steering the department’s direction and driving performance. 

In contrast, coaches prioritize the development of team members. They provide training, offer feedback, praise accomplishments, and recognize strengths and challenges. Coaches empower individuals by involving them in goal setting and encouraging them to define and achieve their own objectives. The coaching approach fosters personal growth, self-confidence, and teamwork. 

The key lies in finding a harmonious balance between managerial and coaching responsibilities. While managers primarily focus on control and productivity, it’s equally essential to dedicate time to coaching and employee development. This can be achieved through one-on-one coaching sessions, group training, and fostering a culture of continuous learning. 

Coaching nurtures talent, maximizes potential, and improves teamwork within the organization. By investing time in coaching, managers can help individuals overcome challenges, enhance their skills, adapt to technological advancements, and develop a growth mindset. A well-balanced approach ensures that employees meet performance goals and thrive in their personal and professional growth. 

Managers and coaches play distinct but complementary roles in the workplace. While managers focus on control and productivity, coaches emphasize the development and empowerment of individuals. Striking a balance between these roles is essential for effective leadership. By investing in coaching and employee development, organizations can create a positive and growth-oriented work environment that fosters success for both the employees and the company as a whole.

The Vital Role of Managers in Employee Training: Key Considerations for Success

Managers play a critical role in the training and development of employees within an organization. In smaller companies, where there may not be a dedicated HR department, it becomes even more essential for managers to take charge of training initiatives. Let’s explore the key areas that managers should focus on.

1. Skills Training:

Managers must ensure that employees have the necessary skills to perform their jobs effectively. This involves providing ongoing training on technical tools, software, and processes relevant to their roles. By keeping employees updated on the latest advancements and improvements, managers enable them to stay competent and productive.

2. Process Training:

New employees and experienced individuals joining a new organization need training on specific processes and procedures. Managers should provide guidance and training to ensure employees understand the company’s workflows, collaboration methods, and communication channels. This helps employees adapt quickly and perform their tasks efficiently.

3. Cross-Training:

Cross-training involves teaching employees tasks and responsibilities beyond their primary roles. By allowing employees to learn different aspects of the business, managers create a more flexible and agile workforce. Cross-training also promotes task rotation, prevents boredom, and ensures smooth operations even when specific employees are unavailable.

4. Team Training:

Collaboration and teamwork are crucial in today’s work environment. Managers should provide training opportunities that focus on improving team dynamics, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. By enhancing these “soft skills,” managers enable teams to work together effectively and achieve better outcomes.

5. Personal Development:

Managers should support the personal development of their employees. This includes training on accountability, goal setting, time management, and other skills contributing to their overall growth and well-being. Personal development training demonstrates a manager’s commitment to employee success and fosters a positive work culture.

In summary, managers have a vital role in employee training and development. By focusing on skills training, process training, cross-training, team training, and personal development, managers can foster a skilled and engaged workforce. Training initiatives contribute to employee retention, improved performance, and increased productivity, benefiting both the organization and its employees.

Check out my related article on The Seven Steps for Training and Coaching Employees

3 Effective Tips for New Managers to Overcome Challenges and Succeed in Their Role

Becoming a new manager is an exciting time, but it can also be challenging. As a new manager, you may face numerous obstacles, such as unclear expectations, a lack of support, and difficulty understanding your strengths and weaknesses. In this blog post, we will provide you with three effective tips to help you overcome these challenges and become a highly effective manager. 

Tip #1: Clarify Expectations 

The first step to success as a new manager is to know what is expected of you. This means clarifying expectations with your boss. While every organization is different, understanding the culture and how leaders view the role of a manager can help you perform better in your role. To get clear on what is expected of you, sit down with your boss and discuss their expectations.  

Tip #2: Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses 

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential for any manager. However, it is even more critical for new managers to identify their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the expectations set by their boss. Evaluating yourself and having your boss evaluate you can help you gain a better perspective on your strengths and weaknesses, making it easier to address any challenges that may arise. 

If necessary, create a list of expectations or use my skills evaluation worksheet to help you evaluate yourself against these expectations. 

Tip #3: Seek Support 

Finally, it is essential to seek support as a new manager. This support can come from your boss, your colleagues, and your team members. Your boss can provide you with training, coaching, guidance, or even a mentor to help you succeed in your role. Seeking support from a trusted colleague or mentor can help you navigate any challenges you may encounter. Additionally, sitting down with your team members and discussing your objectives and concerns can help you build a supportive team that will help you succeed in your new role. 


In conclusion, becoming a new manager can be both exciting and challenging. By clarifying expectations, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and seeking support, you can overcome these challenges and become a highly effective manager. As a new manager, it is essential to take the time to understand your role, identify any potential obstacles, and develop a plan to overcome them. With the right tools such as PXT Select Assessment, support, and mindset, you can succeed in your new role and become an outstanding leader.