4 Factors of Happiness – Here’s What You Need To Know

Are You Happy Now?

In today’s world, it is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life. It can be challenging to find time for ourselves because we are always busy with our jobs, families, and friends. 

Also, due to unforeseen circumstances, we often have ups and downs that can impede our happiness and personal fulfillment. When this happens, we don’t feel good, we don’t feel motivated, and this affects our performance and relationship with others.

It’s not easy to find happiness. However, it is possible.

I created a character to remind all of us how to find happiness and personal fulfillment. His name is KALF – which stands for Know yourself, Accept yourself, Love yourself, Forgive yourself.

To learn more about KALF, watch the video that comes along with this article. 

By being aware of who you are and your circumstances, accepting, forgiving, and loving yourself, you’ll feel good about yourself. You’ll feel happiness and fulfillment that no one can give you except yourself.

True happiness lies within yourself and not outside in your environment and circumstances.

And when you feel happy from within, it will reflect on your lifestyle, performance, and relationships with other people as well.

Hope this helps!

If you want to get the KALF artwork, comment down below!

The Six Types of People

In the previous video- You Have 3 Brains – Here’s What You Need To Know, I discussed that we have 3 brains- the gut brain, the heart brain, and mind brain.

We all possess these three intelligences but the key difference between different types of people is which brain is the more dominant. 

Which brain or center of intelligence is more dominant in you? Is it the gut or physical brain/intelligence, the heart or emotional brain/intelligence, or the mind or intellectual brain/intelligence? 

The knowledge of the three brains or centers of intelligence is the first step in understanding the “types of people” approach to self-knowledge. The next step is learning about the six classic types of people.

Each classic type of person is born with certain positive qualities or strengths and also some negative tendencies or weaknesses that become apparent when one overuses their strengths. These negative tendencies become activated when the main motivation of the type of person becomes threatened and the person goes into fear mode.

An example is a body type who is a doer and whose main motivation is accomplishment. When the main fear of ineffectiveness manifests, this type has a tendency to overuse their take charge quality and can become aggressive or even violent.

The main approach to personal development using the types of people approach is to cultivate the use of all three intelligences. Learning about all six classic types and the qualities and motivations associated with each, enables us to strike a better balance in behavior and understand others and be more tolerant.

The classic type approach to personal development also greatly impacts our leadership style and teamwork. Think again of the body/doer type whose main motivation is accomplishment and fear is ineffectiveness.  This person could have a tendency to have an autocratic leadership style and perhaps be seen as a pushy type team member.

The best way to learn about the types of people approach to self-knowledge is to participate in a learning exercise with others. That is why I am offering a free introductory workshop so you can experience this approach for yourself.

I learned this many years ago from my mentor, coach and business partner Fritz Glaus who wrote a book on this titled CrazyZoo, Know-Thyself Made Easy. . This was a major AHA moment for me and had a huge impact on my understanding of myself and others.

Discover what type of person are you and how your human type impacts your behavior, your relationships, and your leadership style. 

These live workshops are FREE, and the number of participants is limited so register now to secure your place for the next workshop. 

If the upcoming date does not suit you please add yourself to this list and we will send you an email to announce upcoming dates.

Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3Wv1bIm

Be The Best Leader You Can Become

Do you want to become a better leader?

If yes, you are not alone.

Most people do want to become better leaders. But one thing’s for sure, it does take knowledge of oneself and some effort.

Here’s where personal development comes into the picture.

In this video, I discuss how to discover your qualities and how to work on what may be holding you back from using your full potential to become a better leader.

I also have a special announcement!

I will be holding FREE workshops to help you know yourself better by learning what type of person you are and how this has the key to self-improvement and fulfillment. 

Sign up here and stay updated for more exciting news.

Check out my other videos regarding leadership and personal development: Leadership Tips | Leadership Styles and Development

Conduct Employee Performance Evaluations the Right Way

Are you a leader, business owner, or manager who tends to avoid conducting employee performance evaluations due to a lack of confidence and skills?

If you have been holding back on conducting a minimum of one yearly employee performance review session, you are missing out on an incredible opportunity for continuous employee performance improvement. 

That is why I created a new training program “The Complete Guide to Conducting Effective Employee Performance Evaluations” This training is an accumulation of my more than 25 years of experience and training on the subject.

Inside the course, you will learn how to: 

  • Confidently and effectively run an Employee Performance Review session
  • Simplify the process
  • Eliminate stress and anxiety 
  • Create clear performance criteria
  • Have a consistent repeatable process
  • Make performance evaluations clear and acceptable
  • Create performance improvement initiatives for each employee

I have included an actual Employee Performance Evaluation with my own employee so that you’ll learn how to apply and implement the lessons you will learn from the course.

If you have been putting off doing an annual or regular employee performance review for whatever reason, now is the time to change that with my anyone-can-afford training program, “The Complete Guide to Conducting Effective Employee Performance Evaluations”.

Access the course here: https://optimusperformance.ispringmarket.com/cart

Get it at 50% off when you use this coupon 096CB5B7

Improve your leadership, your business, and employee satisfaction with “The Complete Guide to Conducting Effective Employee Performance Evaluations”.